


Build 26-27

Reply to Newsletters
You can now reply directly to newsletters! Whether confirming a subscription or simply responding to a newsletter, this feature is built for quick replies.
Please note: this feature does not support full email threads or ongoing back-and-forth communication.
LoomLetter - Reply
Email Forwarding Support
You can now forward emails from your personal address to your LoomLetter address. Our system will recognize the original sender and process the newsletter as if it were sent directly to your LoomLetter inbox.
Streamlined Newsletter Bottom Bar
The bottom bar in newsletters was getting a little crowded, so most options have been moved into a menu popup. Now, only the most essential actions remain easily accessible in the bar.
View Changelog in Settings
Stay up-to-date with all the latest features and fixes by viewing the changelog directly in the app. Simply go to
Settings > Changelog
to check it out.
Improved Onboarding
Previously, logging in without an existing LoomLetter account would leave you stuck. Now, the app detects if you don’t have an account and provides a seamless option to sign up, ensuring you can continue with the onboarding process smoothly.
Links in Plain Text View
Links in plain text are now clickable